Wednesday February 12th, 2025
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Robotic Arm Automates Gas Stations in Abu Dhabi’s Reef Island

Robotic arms have been introduced in gas stations at Abu Dhabi's Reef Island to help refuel cars.

Scene Now UAE

Robotic Arm Automates Gas Stations in Abu Dhabi’s Reef Island

Are we living in the future? If you’re at a gas station in Abu Dhabi's Reef Island, then perhaps the answer is yes. The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has introduced a robotic arm designed to swiftly refuel vehicles at gas stations. This arm streamlines the fueling process by opening the car's petrol flap, removing the cap, and precisely filling the tank. Controlled via a touchscreen or smartphone app, the arm monitors the process using cameras and sensors for safety and accuracy.

This initiative is part of ADNOC's five-year strategy to enhance efficiency and customer experience, reducing wait times, ensuring staff productivity and promoting innovation across all sectors in the UAE. The initiative is currently in the testing stage in Abu Dhabi's Reef Island with the aim of gathering data for future implementation across ADNOC's UAE network to spread their automated and streamlined processes for a larger audience.

ADNOC also introduced the Fill & Go app that offers an AI-personalized refueling experience, allowing customers to remain in their vehicles while smart cameras and digital screens guide them through the process.


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