Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Select 221: Mixed by NEDZ

The Cairo-based DJ created a mix of the ‘sounds of liberation’ ft. South African amapiano, and afrobeats with Middle Eastern undertones.

Riham Issa

Select 221: Mixed by NEDZ

NEDZ, a Cairo-based open-format DJ, is known for her unique approach to mixing the sounds of her world. Having lived between New York and Los Angeles for a long time, NEDZ’s sound is heavily influenced by her multicultural upbringing, fusing hip-hop and RnB with African, Caribbean, Latin and Egyptian sounds.

On this Select 221, NEDZ is bringing you a meticulously-curated emotive set, centred around the Palestinian, Sudanese and Congolese causes. The 72-minute set opens with a prelude in Arabic, detailing the rich cultural history of Palestine, with a soulful Ney melody playing in the background. Featuring a powerful South African Amapiano, and smooth afrobeats with Middle Eastern sonic undertones, the set - described by NEDZ as the ‘Sounds of Liberation’ - follows themes of post-colonial struggle and resistance, juxtaposed with the beauty and depth of pain uniting humanity across the world.

Listen to the full set here: 

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