Saturday July 27th, 2024
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UAE Ranks Amongst Best Countries to Launch a Business in 2024

The UAE ranked one of the best nations for entrepreneurs in 2024, according to Business Name Generator.

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UAE Ranks Amongst Best Countries to Launch a Business in 2024

Analysis conducted by Business Name Generator placed the UAE as one of the top countries worldwide for entrepreneurs to start a new business in 2024. Multiple factors such as taxes, internet speeds, cost of living, overall happiness as well as projected GDP growth were part of the analysis, which ranked 52 countries.

The UAE ranked third in the list behind Hungary and the Netherlands, with their 9% corporate tax being a crucial factor driving entrepreneurs to the country. A 4% GDP increase in 2024 coupled with USD 47,663 GDP per capita is an indicator of economic stability and growth, something which entrepreneurs are on the lookout for. The UAE’s proactive legal system allows business to be fully operational within four days. Finally, the UAE scored 6.6 out of 10 for happiness, indicating a healthy and balanced lifestyle for entrepreneurs thinking about moving there.


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